Guest blog: Preparing for the future

Guest blog: Preparing for the future

EE Blog cover the future

EE Blog cover the future

Whilst sitting at my desk I find myself thinking about others. Others that are not as fortunate as me. Others like myself in my beloved Hospitality Industry that cannot work due to this horrible scourge that is gripping all facets of life as we know/knew it.

I find myself wracking my brain for new ideas or even the myriad of old ones that float around in my head at any given time, even during the new stage 4 lockdown. Trying to get through this, I cannot let myself fall into despair over current finances, over the state of mind and health of my family and friends or even over the future of my fellow Hospos and their plight. These are of course in the forefront of my consciousness but I need to focus on now, thinking how I can plan and prepare for when the world around us is not in such a dire state. Do not think of me as callous or mercenary. I do telephone those near and dear to me and some not, to enquire on their wellbeing or I forward a funny that I receive via one of the many social platforms that I look at, to, in a sense, keep my own sanity in check as well as theirs.

I’m an optimist, some do not understand how I am always chipper? I know that this Pandemic, spreading from one to another very easily with some catastrophic results, cannot stay at this level for always. If you are not ready for the “good” times when they return you will be caught flat footed, then always playing catch up.

Be like me, think of the now preparing for the future, I have used this down time to have my website modernised, ready for the time that a potential customer may have need for it.

I have thought of promotions that I can implement at the right time to entice people to visit my website and ultimately use my services to design and fit out or renovate their current premises to bring them up to date.

I have thought of how I can assist those who require my 38+ years of expertise and industry knowledge, not always for a fee, but keeping “my hand in” to coin a phrase. In this case “my mind in” ….in the now preparing for the future.

I will always take a Government financial “gift” if they are offering. Heaven knows that I have given them a lot over the years and I do not offer to. If you don’t more fool you. Having just said that I for one am not waiting for the “hand out”. If it comes all well and good but I must be personally content that I have done something to better my lot and those around me, once again ready for the upturn in my small but significant life.

Please remember, if you have a Hospitality linked idea, concept or just want a chat please call and I am sure we can work something out together.


Tony Schindler – Principal Consultant – Tony Schindler Consulting Pty Ltd

Tony Schindler is a licensed builder, qualified chef, restaurant manager and a key player within the hospitality industry. He has gained over 38 years’ experience working in the hospitality industry. Using this valuable insight, along with cutting edge design ideas, he has gathered the finest team of craftsmen and designers in Australia for hospitality fit out projects.

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